Sunday, June 7, 2015

#1 Rider Complaint - Area familiarization

According to a February 12, 2015 article by Business Insider, lack of area familiarization is the number one complaint among ride share passengers, which can result in a drop in driver ratings.

Sooner or later drivers will drop off a passenger in an area that may be new to them. There are two choices at this point. Stay online and make yourself available or go offline and head back to a nearby area that is more familiar.

This can be a learning experience and increasing area knowledge is a good thing so if the driver stays in the area here are some ways to keep a high rating:

1: Ask the driver to key in the destination so you the navigation can suggest the best route.

2: Ask the rider to confirm that route or perhaps they prefer a better route. Invite them to navigate you.  Sometimes, they enjoy having control over the route and directing the driver.

 3: Using apps like WAZE helps keep an eye on the traffic and if there is a problem along the route, be sure to tell the passenger.

4: Keep in mind your attitude. Smile, be courteous and don't let the riders see you sweat if you make a mistake. Sometimes those directions come a little too late, allow the navigation app to reset the route and clear it with the rider.  

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