Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Post of the week: Brainless Drivers

Found this on Facebook:

I got pulled over for a noise ordinance violation the other night. I was driving a bunch of college students from their fraternity house to a bar off campus. One of them asked for the aux cord. Ok no problem. He then proceeds to crank up his hip hop music at full blast. I didn't say anything but a couple of minutes later I got pulled over. Cop said he could hear me almost 2 blocks away. So on top of open containers and trying to jam more than 4 pax in my vehicle now I have to deal with not letting them play the music too loud.


With School being back in session maybe I should address some key points and solutions for certain situations.

1 - If you live in a college town and plan to pick up students on weekend maintain situation awareness. Partying students have no regard for the law nor care for your well being. They are just out to have a good time.  Spot check the back seat for open containers. If you see them sneaking in beers CANCEL the ride and kick them out of the car. A ride cancellation will prevent the driver from getting a low star rating.

2 -  If you reluctant to control the volume of the car stereo because you fear a low rating, tell them your Aux system and radio are broken. 

3 - Never allow more passengers in the car than what you are legally permitted to carry. ONE SEAT BELT per PAX is the rule.  If they have more people ask if anyone has never used your ride service, give them your PROMO CODE and tell them to down load the app and request a second car on you.

4 - SAFETY FIRST. You are running a business, not a party boat. If the passengers are load, pull over and tell them you will cancel the ride if they do not settle down. If they do not comply cancel the ride and kick them out. This is nonsense is not worth the $4 you make to take them from campus to a bar. Give them the phone number to a local cab company.

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